
Contract Risk Engineering

With our team of teniored professionals we can provide high value assesments allowing you to spend your time focusing on relationships. With our global network of risk engineers we can provide expert review or site audits anywhere in the world.

Contract Underwriting

Trouble with mounting losses? In-house tallent not able to evaluate or place risk? Our contract underwrites can help you grow your book and allocate risk. With years of experience in Global Property and Power underwriting no book or project is too big.

Deal Support Services

Having problems supporting your brokers and underwriters? Missing deadlines and getting swamped with paperwork? Can't find an expert you can trust? We offer back office suport for all of your risk assesemnt and underwriting activities. Through us you can also gain access to one of the largest networks of seasoned engineering and speciality risk experts.

(ESG) Enviromental Social Governance

Having trouble with ESG compliance? Need help quanifying enviromental impact and social costs? We can help you with everything from envirometal risk assesments to identifying stakeholders and balancing social equity. Let us handeling the ESG while you place the risk.

Regulatory Support and Consulting

If you find yourself in trouble, do not rely on just anyone to look out for your best interest. Our specialists can provide both consulting and support services for any regulatory or risk based activites you may find yourself involved with.


Need better risk tools? Blockchain verifyed transaction management? Want AI integrated risk evaluation? Let us help you future proof your book and reset the way you think about business. With our industry leading technology.

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ESG? Blockchain? Compliance?

Our processes and systems are ESG friendly, Sarbanes Oxley compliant and follow PCAOB best practices. We can provide comprehensive audit logs for all activities conducted along with our final reports.


Documents Reviewed


Billion USD$ in Assets Evaluated